Library Account

To be a member in our libraries, an individual is required open a library account. The requirements for opening a account can be found under Membership Requirements. Library Members are eligible for book loans and access to various digital material specified under resources.

Library account members are required to observe the following rule in relation to their library account:

  • Loan Period – 14 days for members and visitors, 21 days for pensioners.
  • Number of items – 8 Books for adults, 6 Books for Young adults and Juveniles.
  • To keep the account active, library material must be returned on the due date.
  • Reference material are restricted to reference use only.
  • Fines are paid for late returns of library material. R1 per book per day.
  • Failure to pay fines will result in disqualification of membership.
  • A library user is responsible for all material that is taken out under their name, and may not lend such material to other people.