School Holiday Program

Cedarville Public Library
World Play Day and was celebrated at Cedarville Public Library on the 20.07.2022.Openning prayer was done by Mr K.Moshoeshoe.
Welcoming was done by Miss Gebo, she says reading is important .In the library we get knowledge.
Purpose of the day was done by Miss N.Cebo .Cedarville Library offer a range of activities for children and young children .These activities also promote library services and provide a safe environment for children
.Services offered free of charge to both non-members and members of the library. Also help us become more able to interpret the world around us.
Message of support was done by Mrs N.Selela(Library committee member).She said children have the right to read. Let us spend our time in our Libraries. These activities have an impact in developing strong literacy skills and prepare children not only for success in reading and writing but also in other academic fields.


  • Cross blocks puzzle
  • Giraffe number puzzle
  • Reading


Due to unavailability of funds from the Municipality, I was not being able to have catering and promotional material.